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Юлия Сафина Autor Аннотация писателяТест выявляет страх, дающий толчок к отношениям неофита и Лидера Бесстрашных. Вопреки всему 60K +11K 17/07/2024 10:45:07 Фанфик, Альтернативная история, Постапокалипсис Теги: au, divergent, дивергент, кристина, фантастика, эрик
Anna L. Caroline Litera Аннотация писателяFan fiction based on Divergent series. rnAva (original character) is one of the best strategists of Dauntless and works at the Intelligence and Security Division, known for being rational and implacable. But after the Erudite and Dauntless attack everything changed. Even though she's one of the bravest member of the faction, she'll discover soon that she's so much more, a Divergent. rnAva's gonna have to fight against her deepest fears, find new allies in order to stay alive and deal with her feelings as she falls in love with the most heartless leader. rnrnEnglish is not my mother language so if you find some important mistake just let me know!rnrnDivergent series and its characters belong to Veronica Roth.rnrnAva's character and the writing belong to me. rn Rebellion (divergent Fan Fic) 9K 6/04/2018 02:51:24 Fanfic Теги: fanfic, divergent, scifi