JC_creative Find Me (Английская версия). Отзывы, история создания. Сайт Книголюбов

JC_creative Find Me (Английская версия)


Autor (переход на произведение)

Дата создания 2022 16/08 Последнее обновление 2022 4/09 22:11:22
Размер 31K +19K Жанр adult_only 1
Авторская аннотация
A young guy from the former Soviet Union flies to Israel as a tourist on vacation. To historical monuments, the sea, and fruit! A little accidental trauma confronts him with an attractive man right on the seashore...
The man also turns out to be from the CIS, only a local citizen.

Everyone amicably asked us to write
Together in prose, a short story.
We gave in to the temptation

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