Notdivohka Rozabel Orunya. ( poems of 2020.). Отзывы, история создания. Сайт Книголюбов

Notdivohka Rozabel Orunya. ( poems of 2020.)

Notdivohka Rozabel

Autor (переход на произведение)

Дата создания 2024 20/05 Последнее обновление 2024 20/05 14:14:59
Размер 5K +5K Жанр Поэзия
Авторская аннотация
These poems are philosophical. They can only be read by certan people. That is, not all reades. The didresse should think about these veres. Why such difficult poems Dedicated to her? And even an incomperehensible, figurative language? What did the author herself warlt to comvey to her? After all, the author. Probably best of all. To pat it this way. Than an ordinay, simple dalogue. Which will lead to nothing good. Except guarrels any necessary signs of drama.

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