Алекс Р. Кит All that is turned to fable. Отзывы, история создания. Сайт Книголюбов

Алекс Р. Кит All that is turned to fable

Алекс Р. Кит

Autor (переход на произведение)

Дата создания 2023 14/04 Последнее обновление 2023 14/04 10:21:05
Размер 40K +40K Жанр Короткий любовный роман, Историческая проза, Исторический любовный роман
Авторская аннотация
When Yvain was invited to pursue knightly exploits with Gawain, Laudine did not want him to go, but relented when he promised to return after a set number of days. She provided her husband with a magic ring that protected true lovers from bodily harm and warned him not to be late; but Yvain, caught up in his chivalric quests, failed to come home on the agreed upon day. Laudine had a messenger retrieve her ring and inform her absent husband that he was not allowed back.

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